Thursday, February 28, 2013

I Feel Nothing

Do you ever feel that nobody wants you?
Do you ever feel that everyone is abandon you? Or left you behind?
Do you ever feel empty in a crowded place?

It’s a bit weird for me, but I feel those kind of things.

I prefer to be alone when I feel like that. That will be better for me to think by my self what have I done and what should I do.

And then I will start to get closer to my friends. Even they reject me, it’s painful.
But they are the only I have, beside my family.

I feel empty now.
I feel nothing now.
I feel only nothing.

I believe after the storm, there will be a sun rising with colorful rainbow.
Or moon shines with lots of stars beside.

When the night comes, that’s my time to remember you.

Kayak lagu yah? hehe
But that's what I feel inside my heart. I hope someday, someone in somewhere, and somehow, makes a song for me. Or make my words as its lyric. :)
And it will be better.. ^_^

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Gong Xi Fa Chai 2013 - Ular Air

Gong Xi Fa Chai 2013 untuk semua yg merayakan ya.

Walaupun telat 3 hari tapi nggak apa-apa donk. Hehe
Soalnya bukan Chinese sih.

But anyway, walaupun Imlek itu acara Tahun Baru untuk Chinese, tp gak cuma Chinese aja kok yg ngrayain. Banyak yg bukan Chinese pun ngrayain, tapi ngrayainnya ya cuma sekedar aja, pake baju merah, bagi-bagi angpao, menghias rumah sama warna-warna merah, dll.

Tapi kali ini suasanya Imlek beda loh di kantor. Sepiiiiiiii..
Soalnya bos-bos pada pulang kampung, ada yg ke Kalimantan, ke Singapur & Malaysia.
Dan itu untuk full 1 minggu. Jadi minggu ini gak ada bos-bos.. Horeeeee

Belum tentu.
Karena masih ada 1 bos yg standby disini. Karena rumah beliau di Surabaya, jadi gak pulang kampung deh.

By the way, kalian tau kata-kata yg biasa diucapkan anak-anak Chinese biar dapet angpao?
Jadi aku dikasih tau sama temenku yg Chinese nih, gini ngomongnya :
Gong Xi Fa Chai
Angpao tua tua kai
Angpao na lai

Aku lupa artinya yg "angpao tua tua kai", tp kalau "angpao na lai" artinya "angpao datanglah"

Etapi angpao itu cuma dikasih ke yg belum merid ya, contohnya saya. Hahaha
Jadi walaupun kalian udah berumur tp belum merid masih dapet, dan walopun jg kalian masih muda tapi udah merid kalian musti kasih angpao.

Nah, ternyata gak ada salahnya juga loh cari ramalan berdasarkan shio kita untuk peruntungan di taun ular air ini.
Kalo shio-ku, aku lihat disini nih : Shio kambing

Waktu aku nulis ini belum baca seluruhnya sih.
Tapi aku baca atasnya sih lumayan bagus. Hehe

Yudah, sekian dulu yah..
Lain waktu sambung lagi ya..
Oiya, angpao tua tua kai, angpao na lai :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Activity Today - Mood Did Change So Fast


Today I want to share my activity and thought with time tag.

The guilty feeling is getting bigger. My boss maybe has figured out my mistake. I’m ready if get any scolding, because it’s my fault.
FOCUS! Be FOCUS! Think something brighter, cheerful, fun, or joking around, Rindang!

One of my workmate resign. The others said tomorrow is her last day, and she got a job in BUMN. That’s good, and I hope good for her, too.

After lunch, 2 brokers has informed brighter news about insurance. The T/C (Terms & Conditions) are not really good actually, but it gives a HOPE.
Well, even small news can change your mood.

Boss said didn’t want to make contract with the shipping owner of tongkang-which-caused-insurance-problems ever again. I hope that’s the best choice.
And I hope the shipping owner will take this decision willingly. We knew the shipping owner well, and she’s a talkative person.

One of staff in Sorong is asking is the HQ shipping will be moved to Gresik? I said I don’t know. But if so, then all of the staff will be gathered in one place. #nocomment

The rain falls heavily. The cloud also so dark. The wind blows very strong. But my boss mood is brighter now.

Gerimis. But yet to go home. Still want to download something and browsing.
Hehe Free wifi in office must be utilized. But don’t try this at your office if you DON’T want to get an SURAT PERINGATAN. J

Enough for today. That's all what I did & what I thought on time stated.
C U again next time. ^_^