Thursday, February 28, 2013

I Feel Nothing

Do you ever feel that nobody wants you?
Do you ever feel that everyone is abandon you? Or left you behind?
Do you ever feel empty in a crowded place?

It’s a bit weird for me, but I feel those kind of things.

I prefer to be alone when I feel like that. That will be better for me to think by my self what have I done and what should I do.

And then I will start to get closer to my friends. Even they reject me, it’s painful.
But they are the only I have, beside my family.

I feel empty now.
I feel nothing now.
I feel only nothing.

I believe after the storm, there will be a sun rising with colorful rainbow.
Or moon shines with lots of stars beside.

When the night comes, that’s my time to remember you.

Kayak lagu yah? hehe
But that's what I feel inside my heart. I hope someday, someone in somewhere, and somehow, makes a song for me. Or make my words as its lyric. :)
And it will be better.. ^_^